Video below ↓
Are you struggling with holding on to the spinning pole? Don’t worry. You are not alone.
I used to struggle for years. At the beginning I was definitely lacking strength. But when I achieved my first advanced move, it became clear to me that it’s not just a strength issue. Because of the centrifugal forces, it’s indeed a bit harder than holding on to a static pole. It’s something we can’t practice in the fitness studio or in everyday life.
Now I know that with the correct technique you can make these forces work in your favour. Looking back, if there’s something I’d now change about my beginners training, it would be learning the proper body engagement and playing with the distance to the pole and the momentum of spinning.
Below you’ll find my first video tutorial for beginners from the series 15 pole dance spins into climbing. It contains conditioning exercises and progressions for the Basic Hold Spin and especially for:
- building strength to hold on the spinning pole and
- checking if you are using your back and shoulder strength efficiently
Tip against dizziness: Look up to your hands or in front at the pole during the spin. 🙂
Now get creative! Use this spin to create a simple combo. Feel free to share it. I’d love to see it. ❤
The Basic Hold Spin builds the foundation for all 4 beginner spins from the series. This also applies to a lot of other spins that start with both hands high on the pole. Whatever stage you are at, make sure to use these exercises to practice your fundamentals.
To learn more about pole dancing, sign up to my email list below and follow me on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
Hi Miglena,
I really enjoy your tutorials and they are helping me a lot. I have just started to go from static to spinning pole, however when I start to climb on the spinning pole, it accelerates rapidly. What do I have to consider to avoid this or is this normal ?
Greets from Germany
Hey Li!
Yeh, this is normal. Blame physics! haha
Generally, the closer you are to the pole, the faster you spin. The further out you reach, the more you slow down. So whenever you find yourself on the pole and it starts spinning as hell, just extend one leg, one arm or even the hips as far as possible away from the pole.
Play with the momentum as well. For the beginning, I’ll recommend not to take momentum. Observe instead, when you start to spin fast, and when you slow down. Then learn to control it!
I hope that helps you.
Hi Miglena,
thanks a lot for this helpful reply. It probably takes time to figure the control out.
Hi miglena,
I just discovered your page and I love your videos so much!! They are helping me find fluidity which h is something that I struggle so much with. Today, I spend so much time training this move but I am struggling because for some reason my body will always twist to the side and it is difficult to keep my hips away from the pole even though I kick back. Do you have any exercises you can recommend for this? Thanks!! Xoxo