Here’s a sneak peek into an online course I’m creating at the moment. It focuses on developing coordination and body awareness that helps you get rid of the stiff and mechanical look.
In the video below you will learn why you can be flexible, and still look stiff when you’re dancing. And what to do about it.
The answer is counterintuitive. It’s not stretching.
The path to a fluid body consists of practicing…
- Isolations = Diving deep into different body parts separately and learning to isolate movements from the rest of the body – by activating smaller muscles. (Like in my flow series for head, hands, arms, chest.)
- Coordination = Synchronizing movements of different body parts smoothly and with control.
A movement which can be isolated with control is much easier to be coordinated later. Otherwise things get really messy, as soon as movements get more complex. And dancing is quite complex most of the time.
The obvious advantage of isolations is that they improve your range of motion. But their biggest advantage is that they build muscle memory, especially in the smaller body parts that you usually forget when you’re dancing.
These “smaller” body parts are often the ones that make your dance look expressive and fluid.
Watch the video below and tell me in the comments…
Which body part do you tend to forget when you’re dancing?
(If you’re not sure, set up a camera and film yourself dancing.
If you’d like to get feedback from me, send me your video.)
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