The Pole Dancer hit 10.000 subscribers on YouTube last week! ?
Also, this month it’s 5 years, since I started pole dancing. A half decade! Which makes me pause and think.
I’m truly happy to see my pole baby growing. At the same time I’m not even sure how I achieved this.
Looking back on the last 1,5 years, when The Pole Dancer started, I realize that I never planned to be a YouTuber. I never imagined that YouTube will take off like this. I simply needed a space to host the video tutorials for my blog. The only reason I cared about thumbnails and titles was because I wanted it to “look good” on my blog. lol
All I know is that I was focusing on creating good content, that will be helpful for you and everyone passionate about pole DANCE. Up until today, I still spend most of my time researching and talking to followers, readers, subscribers, friends and pole buddies. This helps me plan my tutorials. This is how I learn from you.
And you know what?! The same principle applies to your training and your pole journey.
Focus on learning and becoming better at where you’re are right now. Not on getting results fast.
If you’re a beginner, focus on mastering the basics, instead of getting to the next level class as quickly as possible, and you’ll be much more successful in the next level.
If you’re an intermediate/advanced student, focus on getting in and out of tricks beautifully and exploring combinations, instead of nailing one pose after the other. You’ll be much more fluent and free in your movement later.
Seek inspiration from others, use social media to learn, but stay consistent in your own pole practice. Slow and steady wins the race.
Back to YouTube and my videos. I plan to continue just as before – to create great content, that’s helpful for you. To always listen to you, rather than trying to please keywords or to trick algorithms. Your words mean so much more than any analytical tools.
If you have feedback, requests, questions or just want to say Hi!, hit me up here –
Janet says
So glad I found you on youtube! Your site is beautiful and I admire your mission so much. Thanks for all you share. It’s very inspiring and your insight is wonderful.
Linh says
Thank you so much for your wonderful content on YouTube and on your website as well as your Instagram. I have loved your advice on flow and transitions, as well as detailed specifics in movement such as hand, wrist, head movements. I have started to notice this so much more after you brought it to my attention and I feel like my flow is beginning to improve, I just enjoy the basic spins I know so much more. You have really changed how I feel about pole and increased my love for it even more. Please keep posting content that can help with flow and transitions.