One funny thing about flow and dance is that advanced pole dance students struggle with it, just as much as beginners do.
Beginners think that flow comes „just with practice“. (Advanced polers are rolling their eyes right now…)
But indeed, you can pole dance for years and still feel „like a stick dancing“. A robot. A grizzly bear. Bambi. (original polers’ language lol)
It really depends on your focus in your training. If your studio classes or your home practice are focused on pole fitness, no wonder that your body is missing the dancing part. You have to teach yourself that part too. It doesn’t come „just with practice“.
Here’s the best method to work on your flow.
- Delete all difficult moves from your brain for one day. Be the beginner in the room, from a technical point of view.
- Create a very SIMPLE combo, choreo or a freestyle.
- Focus on just ONE of the following, when you’re dancing:
- Lengthen and finish every movement. Don’t cut short.
- Slow down transitional parts
- Loosen up pre-choreographed parts. Do something free and different each time you dance.
- Dance bigger
- Soak yourself into the music
- Head expression (Little help)
To make it even easier, you can use one of my beginners’ choreos:
The names of the moves are in the descriptions of the videos.
Remember, the simpler – the better!
Let me know how you’re getting along. Send me a video, if you want, or tag me in your attempts.
You helped me a lot! Thank you!
Hi Miglena,
This is Melisia from China who is a pole dance lover and just starts her pole dance journey.
After I saw your performance of Bellyache, I was attracted deeply by your fluidity, flexibility and power on the pole. I really feel inspired. Thank you for your tutorials and I’m gonna use it as the after-class practices.