There are a few essential concepts EVERY pole dancer MUST know.
One of those is hand grips and correct muscle engagement.
In the series “50 Shades of Grip”, I cover the common mistakes and the correct technique of the most used hand grips in pole dancing.
The first grip is the True Grip, also known as baseball grip or shake grip. It’s used in many beginner pole dance spins (like the Dip Turn a.k.a Step-around), as well as in advanced one-armed spins.
Can you spot the 3 mistakes here?

If you guessed „Arm is bent“, then you’re partially right.
The bent arm is a side effect of the real issue:
Not using your scapula (shoulder blades) and its surrounding muscles.
Think of your scapula as the engine of your upper body.
Your arms and shoulders are going to feel WEAK if your shoulder blades aren’t working.
Pole dancers often focus on their arms. But the source of strength lies deeper in your back. Imagine holding yourself up from your back.
And there are a few more mistakes that you might be making in the TRUE GRIP (a.k.a. shake grip, baseball grip):
- Using your fingers to hold
- Over-wrapping the pole
Here’s the correct technique and what it’s supposed to feel like:
These are considered pole basics. You might be doing them correctly already (intentionally or not).
But try focusing on these 3 things in your next training:
- Hold with your palm
- Keep arm and wrist straight
- Pull down from your scapula
Are some of these tips new to you? Let me know if you notice a difference and share your insights in the comments below.
Also in the “50 Shades of Grip” series:
Strong Hold Grip
Half-Bracket Grip
Split Grip (Full-Bracket Grip)
Forearm Grip
Twisted Grip
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