The Forearm Grip allows you to climb beautifully without hanging and bumping against the pole.
It also allows you to dance your climbs on the spin pole and do elegant transitions without spinning out of control.
What do you think is the main issue here?

If you guessed „Bottom arm should push more“, then you’re right.
But let’s get more specific. How do you get that push?
Many of my students have problems with it, even though their forearm is ON the pole and even though they know they „should push more“. Especially for beginners it’s a new movement that doesn’t come easily.
The most common mistake is that the forearm is too high. In this position you can only pull down, but not push OUT on the pole.
A good position is having your wrist at shoulder height.
If you’re pushing correctly, you should see your shoulder moving forward and your body going away from the pole.
Here’s the correct technique:
Are these tips new to you? Let me know if you notice a difference and share your insights in the comments below.
Also in the “50 Shades of Grip” series:
True Grip
Strong Hold Grip
Half-Bracket Grip
Split Grip (Full-Bracket Grip)
Twisted Grip
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